Press Release

WorldSkills Asia 4th General Assembly via Online

16 December 2020
WorldSkills Asia Organization continues its global achievements within the level of the Asian Continent as the 4th General Assembly was held on 15th January 2021 via online. Under the supervision of the Abu Dhabi Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET), this virtual General Assembly was participated by 23 member countries with a total attendance of 110 representatives from member countries and sponsors. The meeting was chaired by HE Dr. Mubarak Al Shamsi, WSA President and General Director of Abu Dhabi Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET). The President began by welcoming all representatives of member countries and the sponsors, followed by reviewing the proposed objectives and the agenda of this meeting. Worldskills Asia CEO, Eng. Fahar Al Suwaidi, then presented a comprehensive report of the organization’s achievements, marketing initiatives, and new developments pertaining to the activities and direction of the organization in the coming years. He presented the new roadmap of the upcoming events of the organization as follows: - WorldSkills Asia Friendly Online Competition 2021 - WorldSkills Asia General Assembly 2022 (Republic of Korea, Incheon) - WorldSkills Asia Competition 2023 (Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur) Other updates included in his report was the draft of the WSA Constitution and By-laws and the Code of Conduct and Ethics for members’ ratification. He also presented the newly joined members who were all given slots to do their presentation about their country and their respective TVET activities. There were twelve (12) countries who applied to join the organization and members’ ratification is required for each country namely: 1- Republic of Armenia 2- Islamic Republic of Iran 3- Republic of Kazakhstan 4- Sri Lanka 5- Republic of Yemen 6- Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 7- Republic of Maldives 8- Republic of Uzbekistan 9- Republic of Azerbaijan 10- Russia 11- Papua New Guinea 12- Sultanate of Oman The members unanimously voted for the approval and acceptance of the new member countries joining the organization. Worldskills Asia membership is now totaled to twenty-six (26) countries. In addition, the members also voted for the nominee, Ms. Aleena from Russia, for the new position to sit in the Board. In relation to the organization’s upcoming events, the host for the next General Assembly in 2022, Republic of Korea, was given the slot to present their plans and programs. Another presentation was made by Malaysia for their hosting of the WSA Skills Competition 2023 in Kuala Lumpur. Four sponsors were also given the opportunity to introduce their company and their products. The sponsors, at the same time, presented their offers of support to WSA and cited their commitment to be part of WSA’s events on all its technical and administrative requirements. In conclusion, HE Dr. Mubarak Al Shamsi thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for their contribution and commitment in supporting the direction of the organization to be able to reach its desired goals. He expressed his best wishes to all Worldskils Asia member countries for continuous progress and prosperity in all their undertakings.
12/09/2024 11:32:54 AM
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