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Web Technologies for Junior

Web Technologies for Junior

The main goal of WorldSkills Asia Juniors was to provide teenagers with an opportunity to find their drive and passion for the future. Youth aged 14-16 years took part in the Competition. Web Design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in producing and maintaining, re-designing or upgrading websites. The field is exciting, creative and transforming the way we source, exchange and publish news, and present entertainment. Strong design and communication skills, coupled with research techniques and a grasp of target audiences, markets and trends will ensure initial client satisfaction and credibility for the web designer. Starting with information about client needs and the target audience, the designer conceptualizes the site look and feel; works with a variety of tools and platforms to develop databases, navigation and content presentation; and may create programs. Typically there is a plan for testing and “de-bugging” the site prior to going live. They will need to have access to ICT facilities, open source libraries and frameworks. To excel they must have a strong grasp of copyright law and a well-developed personal code of ethics. Understanding considerations around cyber security is increasingly relevant. In the ever-widening world of the web, a designer may choose to specialize in an area such as Graphic Design, Client Management, Front End Development, Back End/Server Side Development, User End Designer, or related Social Media. Foremost, the designer who excels will understand and recognize the importance of aesthetics, strong client relationships, and the professional advantage of keeping at the forefront of ever-dynamic web trends and technology.

01/02/2025 12:40:36 AM
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